Saturday, August 22, 2009

How To Learn One Million English Words?

There will be a millionth English word according to the Global Language Monitor, a Web site that uses a math formula to estimate how often words are created.Feel frustrated when you know the language—English you are learning is always growing? Paul J.J.
Payack, president and chief word analyst for the Global Language Monitor, says not like French, "English has the tradition of swallowing new words whole," he said. "Other languages translate."
English learners tend to memorize words day by day, through computers, TV and some e-books, thinking in that way they can know every word after days of hard-work. However, many college English majors tell me they feel just disheartened in memorizing so many words.
After years of accumulating thousands of words, they still meet a great many new words. Actually, not every English-speaking person knows all words in the English vocabulary. An average educated person knows about 20,000 words and uses about 2,000 words in a week. Just do your best!Here are some personal tips for reference
1.Find a way to the language. For Example, if you like Lil' Wayne, and don’t want to read the thickly dotted introduction. You can see video about him (better with Captions), or any sort of information that aspires your interest.
2.Try to learn more about the country and their people but not only focus on the grammar. Know more and get to understand the way foreigners are thinking, which at least broadens your horizons.
3.Create an environment for yourself. Many people choose to learn abroad, it is a good way but also very expensive. Don’t you notice that there are many foreigners home? Find a job that most foreigners work or hang out there, like restaurant, an apartment…Can you guys tell me more about how to become a good and happy English Learner? Many e-books are explaining the method but I prefer to get ideas from people from all walks of life.

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